This herbal ointment calms irritated skin; soothes and protects after diaper changes. Designed for diaper rashes; zinc free, cloth diaper friendly. A zinc free blend of gentle soothing herbs infused in a certified organic olive oil and blended with fragrant Canadian beeswax. Contains the skin soothing properties of organic calendula blossoms and the subtle analgesic properties of organic lavender. HOW TO USE: Apply a layer of Baby Balm to clean, dry skin at each diaper change and to dry, irritated skin and minor boo boos while avoiding eyes, nose and mouth. Baby Balm provides a natural moisture barrier and soothes irritations. Perfect for cloth diapering parents who don’t want to compromise their diapers with zinc oxide creams (we still recommend the use of a disposable liner with all diaper creams). Chapped cheeks? Dry skin? Baby Balm makes a great moisturizer.